With the colder weather coming, some quick work with concrete trowels could help to secure homes against the invading threat of mice.

The Express & Star suggests that any holes left open going into winter could prove tempting to the creatures - a problem that could be overcome with the prompt use of concrete trowels.

However, air bricks should not be sealed; instead, grates should be fitted to make sure that the interior of a home is still well ventilated.

"Mice will be looking for a warm home ready for winter soon, so cement up or fill with wire wool any holes they're likely to use to get in," readers are told.

Precision tools may be an important element in making sure that this is done properly and able to remain in place into the new year.

Mice are able to squeeze through holes as small as the width of a pencil, making it important to seal up all openings, however narrow they may be.

Posted by Charlie Parkin